Who We Are

About Disability Law United

“Change never happens at the pace we think it should. It happens over years of people joining together, strategizing, sharing, and pulling all the levers they possibly can. Gradually, excruciatingly slowly, things start to happen, and then suddenly, seemingly out of the blue, something will tip.”

― Judith Heumann, Being Heumann: An Unrepentant Memoir of a Disability Rights Activist

Our Mission 

Disability Law United is a nonprofit legal organization that fights for liberation through the lens of intersectional disability justice with a combination of education, legal advocacy direct services, and impact litigation.

Selected Disability Law United Awards and Honors

  • In 2022, Disability Law United’s IDAP program was awarded the Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (RMIAN) Pro Bono Service Award
  • In 2020, Disability Law United was honored to receive the Health Equity Champion Award from the Center for Health Progress
  • In 2017, Disability Law United was recognized by The Center on Colfax, Colorado’s largest LGBTQ community center with the Visionaries in Action Award
  • In 2016, Disability Law United received the Fair Housing Leadership Award from the Denver Metro Fair Housing Center